At Mortgage Australia we value the important role that teachers play in the lives of our children. We know that being a teacher is not easy. Teachers are underpaid and often underappreciated.

So to help just a little we have created our APPLE FOR THE TEACHER programme.

Any teacher or school employee who takes out a home loan of $150,000 or more through a participating Mortgage Australia broker is eligible to receive an Apple ipad valued at $689*.

Refinance an existing loan or finance the purchase of a new home or investment property. With over 30 lenders to choose from and interest rates from as low as 2.19%** you don’t need to be a maths teacher to calculate the potential savings (comparison rate 4.12%).

Terms & Conditions

*Apple ipad or an Apple product or gift card to an equivalent value.

** The comparison rate of 4.12% is based on a loan of $150,000 over a term of 25 years. Warning: This comparison rate is true only for examples given and may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees or other loan amounts might result in a different comparison rate. This comparison rate is correct as at the time of printing.

This promotion is available for a limited time and does not apply to bridging loans or other short-term finance.

Fees and charges and normal credit criteria apply. Interest rates are subject to change. Terms and Conditions apply and are available on request.

For further information, loan calculators, tips, tools and more please visit
or call 1300 53 53 63